Shiplogs: Engine troubles magyarul

     01/10/2011 - 14/01/2012                                   »»   page 3/6   »»

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...continued from the previous page

44. day - 13/11/2011 - , Az új műszerpanel előkészítése

English translation is missing, sorry....

45. day - 14/11/2011 -


46. day - 15/11/2011 -


47. day - 16/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

49. day - 18/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

50. day - 19/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

52. day - 21/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

55. day - 24/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

56. day - 25/11/2011 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

Continues on the next page...
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